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Natural Beauty for Therapists
Welcome to the clean side of beauty
I'm Louisa Hollenberg, let me introduce myself (2:02)
An Introduction to the course
My story - Just one of many stories of toxic overload
Module 1 - The Dirty World of Beauty
An introduction to Module 1 (1:15)
Why is it important to choose safe ingredients in skincare?
Ingredients that are harmful to the environment
Animal Ingredients in Cosmetics
Fragrance - What's that smell?
The A-Z of Toxic Ingredients to avoid
Module 1 Quiz
Module 1 Task
Reference List
Module 2 - How to read ingredients labels
An Introduction to Module 2 (1:12)
How to read ingredients labels
Greenwashing and Pinkwashing
Understanding certification
A realtime guide to choosing safe products every time (4:30)
Module 2 - Quiz
Module 2 Task
Module 3 - All about Natural Ingredients
An Introduction to Module 3 (1:52)
The difference between natural and chemical skincare
Natural Preservatives
A - Z of our Favourite Natural Ingredients
The Impossible Quest for Perfect Skin
Module 3 - Quiz
Module 3 Task
Module 4 - Natural solutions for the biggest skin concerns
An Introduction to Module 4 (1:30)
Natural ways to beautiful skin without spending a cent
Easy guide- Suitable Ingredients for different skin conditions
Module 4 Quiz
Safe sun protection - a delicate balance
Safe Sun Protection - Quiz
Module 4 Task
Module 5 - Sustainable Beauty Tools
An Introduction to Module 5 (0:45)
Creating a more sustainable beauty industry
Dry Body Brushing
Gua Sha
Crystal Facial rollers
Module 5 - Quiz
Bonus Section
Where to start minimising your toxin load
How to educate your client without overwhelming them
Module 6 - How to ensure your career is sustainable
An Introduction to Module 6 (1:30)
Loving you and your skin
All about Mindfulness
Fill your own cup first
Guided Meditation
Module 6 Task
Congratulations! You've reached the end
Congratulations from Louisa (0:59)
Loving you and your skin
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